The Thematic Curriculum at Arley Primary Academy provides children with coherent and holistic contexts for learning closely linked knowledge and skills. Contexts are motivating and engaging, with clear links to everyday life and the locality of Arley Primary Academy.
The Arley Primary Thematic Curriculum has been organised through a ‘theme based’ approach which incorporates the knowledge and skills set out in the 2014 National Curriculum for History, Geography, Art and Design, Design and Technology and Music. The Thematic Curriculum builds on the foundations of these subjects developed through the Early Years Curriculum, in particular Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
Delivering of Thematic Curriculum at Arley Primary Academy:
Termly themes are taught in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, following a two-year cycle. Each theme has a key curriculum driver – Humanities, STEM or the Arts. Local studies are a focus of one theme in each year group.
Themes begin with a ‘Launch’ event, include an ‘Enrich’ event at an appropriate point within the Theme journey and end with a ‘Celebrate’ event to showcase the learning that has taken place throughout the Theme.

Enrichment Experiences / Links with the Community:
We constantly strive to broaden the experiences for the children within themes through educational visits, visitors into school and shared experiences of the wider school community, for example, involvement with parents and cross-school links etc. Visits make good use of local places of interest, and include places such as Coventry Transport Museum, the Lunt Roman Fort, Midlands Air Museum and Coventry Cathedral.