External Agencies

To ensure that we meet the variety of special educational needs to the best of our ability; the advice of outside professionals is invaluable.  Each term, school holds a planning meeting with outside professionals where we seek direct input for specific children or ask for general advice on how to use different strategies and develop out practice. 

Some of the agencies that Arley Primary Academy currently use: 

Educational Psychology (EP) 

The Educational Psychology Service is a team of Educational Psychologists who work with schools and parents/carers to promote educational, personal and social developmental of children and young people.  They observe children in lessons or at unstructured social times and offer school advice.  They also carry out formal assessments which help support and guides provision in school. 

Specialist Teaching Service (STS) 

This service is a team of teachers with specialisms ie social and emotion support, Autism and communication/interaction support or learning support.  They support school through observations of children within lessons or on the playground and offering school with advice and programmes to follow.  They also carry out focused learning assessments and offer guidance on appropriate interventions and personal targets for the children 

Speech and Language (SALT) 

Where a referral is made by school to this service, SALT will then contact parents and request that parents take their child to Riversley Clinic for a language assessment.  When assessments have been made, SALT will provide schools and home with programmes of support which can be followed.  They will also visit school regularly to assess children and deliver interventions to develop children’s speech and understanding of language. 


RISE formerly known as CAMHS support families and children for a wide range of difficulties.  Their Neurodevelopment Teams carry out assessments for Autism, ADHD, Attachment, Trauma etc.  The waiting time for this service is currently 2 years.  Through their Coventry & Warwickshire MIND services, they offer small group support for Self Esteem and Anger Management.  Pupils who have accessed this provision have been very positive about how it has helped them.   This service also offer regular coffee mornings in the community or telephone consultations for parents/carers. 


Ids Complex Needs Team – for children with an EHCP working significantly below ARE due to significant special educational needs ids VI Team – support for pupils with a visual impairment.