
Arley Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We recognise that safeguarding is the responsibility of every adult within our school community.

  • We ensure children in our school can share their concerns and ensure that they have a ‘voice’.
  • We ensure that are staff are trained and that they are confident in recognising and responding to concerns.
  • We ensure children are educated through a broad and balanced curriculum and that we offer advice and guidance which allows them to make decisions to help keep themselves safe.
  • We work collaboratively, sharing information in a timely and accurate way

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Helplines and Support


If you have an immediate safeguarding concern outside of school hours, or wish to make an anonymous referral please contact:
MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) 01926 414144

Family Support Worker Helpline: 01926 412412

Family support workers are available across Warwickshire to listen, support and offer advice and guidance to families and professionals.

Monday to Friday between 9am – 4pm.

Family Information Service: 01926 742274

Practical support and signposting for parents on a wide range of subjects.