Meet Our Governors

Arley Primary Academy > Our School > Meet Our Governors

Local Governing Board

Katy Parkes 
Type of Governor: Staff 
Appointed by: As Headteacher automatic member of Governing Body 
Position of responsibility: Headteacher 
Date Appointed: 13.02.23 
Tenure: Whilst Headteacher of Arley Primary Academy  
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial or business interests in the school 

Kate Steventon
Type of Governor: Co-Opted
Appointed by: IET
Position of Responsibility: Chair
Date of Appoint: 04.10.2023
Tenue: 4 years
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial or business interests in the school

Lydia Graley
Type of Governor: Co-Opted
Appointed by: IET
Date Appointed: 23.01.2024
Tenure: 4 years
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial or business interests in the school

Teresa Atkins
Type of Governor: Parent
Appointed by: Parents
Date Appointed: 03.12.2021
Tenure: 4 Years
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial or business interests in the school

Eric Fellows
Type of Governor: Co Opted
Appointed by: IET
Date of Appointed: 13.11.2013
Tenure: 4 years
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial or business interests in the school

Leanne Critchlow 
Type of Governor: Staff
Appointed by: Elected by staff
Date Appointed: 22.06.2015
Tenure: 4 years
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial or business interests in the school

Phil Johnson
Type of Governor: Co-Opted
Appointed by: IET
Date Appointed: 22.02.2022
Tenure: 4 years
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial or business interests in the school

Lee Robinson
Type of Governor: Parent
Appointed by: Parents
Date Appointed: 19.10.2023
Tenure: 4 years
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial or business interests in the school

Lesley Wall
Type of Governor: Co-Opted
Appointed by: IET
Date Appointed: 23.02.2024
Tenure: 4 years
Business Interests Declared: Does not have any financial or business interests in the school